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13 September 2006


Big storm tonight! Actual lightning & thunder, which is Quite rare. Well, since we've been here.. :) Power flickered the whole time and went off twice. Kinda hard on the electronics in the house... and me, running around in the pitch black darkness trying to turn off all the electrical outlets. >.<

So, you KNOW I had to break the camera out...

09 September 2006


The PhotoJournals are finally back up. Now, to add new ones... :)

just click the PhotoJournals tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page!!

01 September 2006

I'm gonna love him and squeeze him and call him George

For the past few nights I've walked though this high-tension strand of spiderweb on the way out the back door. I never saw the spider, but figured it must be a beefy one because of the strength of the web line.

Well, tonight I found the Beast. Holy Crap. It barely fit down the vacuum hose...

The Beast:

The CSI Reference shot...