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11 May 2006

Cooked Brefus wit no Hog

In the immortal words of Ice Cube, Today was a good day.

It was a gorgeous day outside. 68°F by the thermometer. Clear skys, no rain (but we need it). Anyway, I finally collected all the Tri-Force pieces in Zelda, mailed off a package I have been putting off, did at TON of laundry, and bought a £20 BBQ grill for £15.

Lately I've been wanting to go back to the US. I miss my family. I miss my friends. Surprisingly, I miss my customers at the hardware store. I guess I never realized how much I enjoy solving their problems and putting them on the right path. Maybe I've been in retail way too long. :shrug: But not today.

Today I was quite content to do the same things I've been doing since we've been in the UK, and was happy to do so. It was weird. I really didn't do anything different today than I do every other day, but I didn't think about going back to the US at all today. Strange.

Maybe I'm becoming British. I do notice that the more I've had to drink, the more a British accent comes out...

Anyway, today was a good day, and I'm thankful for that.


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