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04 July 2007

Hey, Ya got 10 clams burning a hole in your pocket?

Have I got a good way to get rid of that burning lump of fire...

With an SCCA Hard Card. That's right!

An SCCA Hard Card.

What's an SCCA Hard Card you ask? Well, I'll tell ya.

If you are a member of the Sports Car Club of America (and I am) your membership card & license is printed on 2 pieces of heavy(ish) bond paper, that you must add a photo to, sign, and laminate together. This allows you to get into "hot" areas in SCCA events, and proves you are worthy to your fellow drivers. Ok, well maybe not the last part.

IMHO, the laminated card is Old & Busted. Enter the "New Hotness" The SCCA Hard Card.

Head over to SCCA.COM, click Member Services or Members (I don't remember which), log in with your member number, then click Hard Card & follow the onscreen instructions. Give them your Bank of America card number and in a few days you'll receive one of your very own Hard Cards made from new shiny plastic. No more cutting up photos. No more trying to find a laminator...

And hey, you also get a nifty SCCA lanyard to hang your new Hard Card around your neck at your next event! BONUS!!

The Card.

Apparently, you can upload any kind of picture of yourself that seems relevant.

The Lanyard

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