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01 November 2007

I blog in my head...

And it's a shame really, because you guys can't read what I'm thinking about most of the time. I literally do it all day, every day. I'm constantly writing commentary or extra dialogue to things going on around me. Usually at work. And most of it is quite sarcastic.

But the bad part is, those stories never make it home with me to be typed out to share with you lot. I'd love to be able to sit down and write them down while I'm at work, but 1. There's no time. 2. I'd probably get fired for sitting around and writing stories all day long. and 3. If I was writing all day long, I'd never have any interaction with customers & life in general to comment on. So you see my predicament?

My boss does it occasionally. Sitting down and writing a small bit. Not for a blog though, she's working on a book of sorts. Crazy stuff customers ask or say. Like asking for "Scream Wire" or wanting to know "Where's yer corkin at?" The latter one really gets me. Number One: It is behind the "at". Numero Duo: The word you're looking for is CAULKING not CORKIN. And C: Look around, the caulk is to your right. NO. Your other right.

And it all leads to THIS STORY, which if you actually know me, you've seen & heard me tell.

My absolute favorite customer story is one that I didn't witness. It actually happened to me. A woman (sorry ladies...) came in asking for an air conditioner filter. 24 inches by 12 inches, or something rectangular like that. I say OK, we've got that. Walk down to the AC filter aisle, grab a 12x24 filter and walk out holding it like this:

I walk up to the counter and she's got this scowl on her face, "No, that's NOT what I asked for. I ASKED for a 24 by 12 filter."

Ok. No Problem.

So I rotate the filter (right infront of her) so it is oriented like this:


I walk BACK to the filter aisle. Stand there with the SAME FILTER for about 30 seconds (she can't see me) and walk back out carrying THE SAME FILTER!! "Well, I had to search a bit for it, but we have ONE left!!"

"PERFECT! That's the one I wanted"

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