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20 August 2007

Little Boxes on the Hill Side

Little Boxes made of Ticky Tacky...

Ok, I had this long piece written out about the Showtime Production shows "Weeds", "Dexter", and "Californication", but it was SHIT. So I deleted it.

Here are the Cliff Notes: They are all Brilliant shows!

SHO Productions > HBO Productions. Period.

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I can't believe I'm JUST NOW seeing Dexter. Season 2 starts mid September. Caught an episode last night from last season. Like it so much I ordered the book(s) the show is based on. I can't wait. Serial Killer works for the Police in Forensics trying to arrest other serial killers. If you don't like blood pooled on the ground, don't watch this show.

Weeds - Nancy Botwin
Weeds is just, well... Weeds. Writing is good. The show is fun. Mary Louise Parker is HOT. Newly widowed (Season 1) Suburbanite mom with no descernable work skills starts selling weed to other suburbanites to make ends meet. If you don't like seeing drugs being grown, don't watch this show.

Californication. David Duchovny is back on the tiny tube. He's playing Hank Moody, a published writer from NYC now living in LA. His bestseller novel has been turned into a crappy movie, he's got writer's block because of this, and he's also separated from his long time girlfriend & mother of his 12-year-old daughter. So he's trying to cope. Sex, Drugs, and rock & roll. Ok, not so much rock and roll. Duchovney's character reminds me alot of Dr Gregory House in the FOX show "House". No Brain to Mouth filter. :rock: Oh yeah, Natasha McElhone is HOT. Even with an american accent. If you don't approve of constant inebriation or bare breasts (no, sadly not Natasha's) then don't watch this show.

Oh yeah, it's cable/satellite. If you don't like cursing, well then you probably aren't reading this blog on a regular basis anyway so you won't see this...

And I'm as surprised as you are that I spelled inebriation correctly without spell-check.


Matt said...

I started the book that Dexter is based on. I thought the author's imagery metaphors were way over the top, so I stopped reading it. Weeds is great.

Megan Tracy Murphy said...

I'm jealous. I have to admit I only have HBO and not Showtime. Although I've only seen the preview for Californication, it was enough to make me consider breaking down and getting Showtime. With your recommendation I may just end up doing it...

Vamp D said...

You won't be disappointed.