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07 September 2007

NBC vs. Apple, Inc., Round 3?

If you've been following...

From Valleywag

NBC tries to makeup with Apple

NBC is hurt, stunned and confused by Apple's recent bitchslap. Apparently the broadcaster didn't think Apple would call its bluff, and refuse to sell its new fall season on the iTunes Store. Initially balking at iTunes's rigid pricing structure -- NBC executives have deluded themselves into thinking consumers will pay up to $5 per episode -- and allowing its contract to expire, NBC is now "hopeful that we can reach a resolution before the existing contract expires," says spokesperson Cory Shields. Is that like trying to make up with your girlfriend before she moves out?

Makes me wonder if execs at NBC have been reading all the different blog comments that people are leaving around the net. Looks like absolutely NO one would pay the $4.99 fee per episode, much less paying for bundled shows at a probably higher rate. What's real surprising to me is that NBC thought they could strong arm Apple. Did they not watch what happened with the Verizon/iPhone deal?

If you want to play with Apple & make a bit of cash, You've got to play by their rules. No exception. Apple has ALWAYS been this way. Don't see any Apple clones out there anymore, do ya.

I'll admit, I buy Heroes on iTMS. I'd definitely wait on the DVD release before paying 5 Bucks per DRM'd episode. And I only want Heroes when I buy Heroes. I don't need, nor do I want, an episode of Saturday Night Live attached to my purchase. Eating up all my valuable HD space...

Sounds like the dim GE bulb over some NBC exec's head has been changed to a brighter wattage.

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