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04 September 2007

New Hobby?!?

One of the tech blogs I read occasionally posts something from the steampunk scene and I've grown quite fond of the stuff. "Jake" von Slatt over at has done some really cool modifications to his computer to make it look like the thing is from the Victorian Age. He also etches Victorian scenes onto Altoids tins. Very Cool. So I'm reading his pages on what he's done in that area and think to myself, "Hey, all that stuff came from a True Value. I work at a True Value. I must be able to do that!"

So, I bought supplies.

I etched my pirate flag onto a brass sheet that was .032 x 4 x 10. Not bad for my first attempt. The brass was a little thick so it took around 20 minutes in the salt solution to get close to what I was shooting for.

The Pirate Flag

Here's my first attempt:
The Nikon is waiting to be sent out for repairs (Don't Ask...). In the scanned image the black bits are the un-etched part. Those areas like polished brass, you can kind of see the shine in the iSight shot.




RebelHawk said...

I need to get the light bar for the front of my Mini. You buy yours factory or aftermarket?

Vamp D said...

It's aftermarket, and each light is mounted individually. They are from the Hella FF200 kit for the MINI Cooper. I bought 2 sets. :) Custom brackets mount though the grill & the wiring harness is triggered by the hi-beams. Power drawn from the battery, not through the headlight loom. I had a short in one of the Hella looms so I rebuilt both Hella looms. No problems.

I bought them specifically for running the Tail of the Dragon at night. A few of the guys I run with call them "Portable Daylight".

You will blind some unfortunate fool who strays into the beams.