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09 March 2008

So I don't forget:

Slip of the Knife - Denise Mina
Obedience - Will Lavender
Duma Key - Stephen King


Matt said...

How do you like Monsters of Templeton? I thought it was great. But of course I like historical fiction.

Vamp D said...

So far not bad. She definitely has a writing style of her own.

If you like historical fiction, you should check out Caleb Carr's stuff. Except for the Sherlock Holmes book. I didn't care for it, but then again I'm not much into reading Holmes. :shrug:

The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness are both set in late 1800's NYC.

Also Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon has a bit of history in it. Another good read.

Vamp D said...

Oh yeah, the three volumes of Stephenson's Baroque Cycle (Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World) are set in the same time period as Carr's 2 Alienist novels, IIRC. I've got them but haven't read them yet.