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02 February 2006

Ahhh High-Speed Teh Internets

Well the DSL line was finally turned on yesterday! Woo Hoo! Commence with the photos already... yeah yeah yeah. So with this new connection, I get free webspace, so I might be doing larger image pages over there with links to them from here... I'll see how it goes.

Here's a few to tide ya over. House pics coming later today. As always, click the pic to enlarge the photo.

It was a bit frosty last week...

Took the bus into Tenterden a few weeks ago...


Anonymous said...

hey D, these pics a re cool, but I'm having trouble enlarging them - all I get is an elarged picture of grass or something

the 'secret' room decor is 'so you'

Vamp D said...

So yeah, thanks to GamecockS2k's eagle (read: chicken) eye the linking mistakes have been taken care of.