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03 February 2006

Mini Rant

So yeah, it could just be the Bitters talking but...

What's up with Europeans and bath & shower combos? Every tub (that I've had access to) that also has a shower head Does Not have a full surround. Normally it's only a hinged piece of tempered glass that's only half the length of the tub. Ya have to stand directly under the shower, with the head pointed straight down, and you still get splash out on the floor. What's up with that? Everywhere I've been in Europe that's the way it is. England, France, Germany, Czech Republic, italy, Switzerland...they all have that half-open half-closed deal.

A shower stall on the other hand is completely enclosed.

I don't get it. Even on old tubs in the US there's a shower curtain that goes all the way around the tub. There must be some kind of logic to the half surround, but I'm not seeing it.

Then again, it could be the many pints of Bitters I drank tonight. :shrug:

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