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14 February 2006

Moving House...sorta

Some may have noticed (if you've been reading from the beginning) that I've started using a new host for my photos. Those of you who read the blog at work might have had problems viewing photos because my old image host may have been blocked. I'm in the process of moving old photoblogs over so everyone can see. I'll try to put a menu on the right of links straight to the photo pages. In the meantime:

Cumberland Island
The House
Headcorn (Lashenden) Aerodrome

I'm still working on the Germany & Prague images... not my best work by far, but you'll still get an idea...Maybe by the end of the week.

Oh yeah!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How far are you in The Footprints of God? What do you think? G