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13 January 2008

I should have known better...

Things were going so well today. Slept in until noon. Got out of bed with no real back problems. YES! Must have been the NyQuil. My mutated cold seems to be going away. Now I'm left with only the congestion to get rid of. Went around to Charlie's to get a Cherry Coke, smokes, and a Cheerwine for The Wife. Made a pepperoni & cheese (goat) sammich. Sat around watching something on TV that I can't remember. Went outside and cleaned the windscreens on both cars with Dirtex and a razor window scraper. Crystal clear now! Drove over to the local auto parts store for oil & oil filters for both the Camry & MINI. Did the oil change on the Camry in 15 minutes. Not a drop spilled anywhere, with either car.

That should have been my first clue. I normally come out with black, oil coated hands.

The MINI took a bit longer. It needed to cool down from the drive for supplies. Once I got going on the Cooper S, it only took 20 to 30 minutes. Didn't even have a problem with the oil filter. In the past that thing has been a complete ass to get back on.

So that should have been a clue as well.

Put the tools away, got a few different bobs & bits out and fixed my shower door. Right as Rain. Went back downstairs to fix a coffee mug I haven't used in years because of a broken handle.

My first thought: "Why are you fixing this, Now?"

That's when I should have known.

The handle was only broken away at the bottom. I couldn't get the glue to seep in enough because of the tiny crack. So I figured, "What if I brake the whole handle off and glue it in both places."

Bad Idea.

Handle broke clean off. And promptly sliced through my left thumb, opposite the knuckle. Deep. In the space of 2 nanoseconds, I pinch it off with the other hand, stand up, say "SHIT" and place said injured-pinched thumb over my head. The Wife looks over and says, "Do you need to go to the Hospital?"

No "Are you ok?" nothing like that.

Do you need to go to the Hospital.


She knows me pretty good.

So here I type with one thumb stuck out like The Fonz using MarsEdit for the first time letting you guys know how my day went. I should have stopped with the Oil Changes. But ya know, visible accomplishments always feel better than the ones that are behind the scenes.

Visible mistakes on the other hand (or thumb) DO NOT share that feeling. In fact, quite the opposite. So I guess if my luck truly has run out for the day, you'll never know because MarsEdit will loose this piece and I won't feel like typing it back out. Or it will work, and I can sleep better for that. :)


Matt said...


Matt said...

of course i snipped through the skin between my index finger and my middle finger (the webbing) with a pair of scissors not too long ago.

Becki said...

OUCH! That'll suck at Disneyworld :(
Hope you're feeling better (and I'll be careful not to accomplish too much if that's what happens!).