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03 January 2008

Yes, I know

I'm a slacker.

Too Many Holidays
Too Many Parties
Too Many Rabbids

Tomorrow. I promise.

I did actually do something productive this week. Finally sent off the Nikon to be repaired & cleaned. I hope it will be back before we head down to WDW. In 2 weeks. :eek3:

If you really need something to do, teach the SlackMistress how to do something Survivorish over at The Post-Apocalyptic Workout.


Becki said...

WDW?!?!? Lucky!
Oh, wait, we're getting ready to go to the Bahamas :)

Hope all's well with you guys - miss seeing you around!

Vamp D said...

Thanks! I definitely miss the cool people over there.

Had enough of the cold in MI & Germany?