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14 February 2008

Dirty Dishes

So a friend of ours, in a roundabout way, acquired a really interesting ceramic dish.

Mmmm fresh picked melons... I mean apples...

While the face of the dish is quite interesting on many fronts, the obverse takes the cake.


Apparently the peaches are better.

Now here's where it really gets strange. Check out the inscription on the outer edge.

"To My Father : From Rob"

That's not painted on. It seems to have been etched into the dish, before it was fired. So was this made by some kid in shop class and given as a Father's Day gift? Has anyone seen one of these before?

I've found a French Bronze tray that is similar, but nothing on the one in hand.


Well after a little more searching I found it.

The piece is called "Cherry Picker Surprise" (Link is NSFW) Apparently the dude in the overalls wasn't looking for peaches in an apple orchard after all. He was in the correct orchard & was looking for a ripe cherry.

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